Many people have posted Class of 2020 congratulatory messages on their social media. Local schools have delivered yard signs to their junior high and high school graduates. At the college level, virtual commencement have been organized for May and June. One of the realities that college graduates must face post-commencement is the unpredictable job market.
“I’ve graduated. Now what?” For many graduates, job seeking will be one of the most unique experiences that’s clearly different from those who came before them.
A consideration for college graduates is to determine how their interests will intersect with the current needs. Based on the local availability for jobs, college graduates may have to adjust. For some college graduates, moving back home to their hometowns would shape their job hunt. Specific areas across the nation will have job opportunities that may or may not relate to their majors. For example, a college graduate who originally wanted to move to Silicon Valley for their technology-related jobs may have to return to Montana, Oregon or Illinois. Having some flexibility to seek jobs that are in similar fields may be the option until the stability of the American economy.
On the other hand, the upside is that online platforms and remote work have allowed the job hunt to be easier for jobs that have already transformed in the past months when quarantine and stay-in-place orders were announced. This alleviates some barriers of distance. Rather, college graduates may need to be creative in finding the right fit for their first, entry-level jobs. Also, college graduates will need to find jobs that will accommodate their current situation. This is especially relatable for those who have unintended family and personal responsibilities. It can also relate to work spaces if college graduates continue to live with roommates. Noise levels, dedicated space and technology equipment with stable internet will be factors in their employment.
Integral Prudence Solutions has launched the virtual interviewing skills training. Please contact us if you’d like to schedule a training session.